Flügelspitze, ISTANBUL, 24th December 2021, XNO3RDP, Flügelspitze, ISTANBUL, 24th December 2021, XNO3RDP
© picture alliance / NurPhoto | Erhan Demirtas
The Turkish currency has been in freefall, prices in Turkey are going through the roof — with valuations fluctuating dramatically. This is not just an economic problem, but a major political and geopolitical one, too. Kadri Tastan and Wolfango Piccoli are discussing the economic and political impact. Host: William Glucroft
in: German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF), Insights, 09.12.2021 (online)
moreAfter years of refusal, President Erdoğan recently declared that Ankara will finally ratify the Paris Agreement. Kadri Tastan explains the reasons behind this resistance and why ratification alone will not be enough to actively engage Turkey in the fight against climate change.
Point of View, 28.09.2021