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CATS Network Research Topic: Turkey as a partner and as challenge for European security policy
Project Members:
Marc Pierini, Carnegie Europe
Sinan Ülgen, Carnegie Europe
Project Duration: Aug 20 - Apr 21
Francesco Siccardi, email: fsiccardi@ceip.org
Carnegie Europe has convened three off-the-record policymaker roundtables on Turkey in London, Berlin, and Brussels. Each discussion engaged officials from national governments, key ministries and parliaments to review their country’s posture toward Turkey and policy options for the relationship moving forward. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the roundtables had to take place in a digital format.
Turkey’s eroding democracy and assertive foreign policy loom large on the international stage. In 2021, the EU and the United States must protect their interests by containing Turkey’s disruptive behavior while maintaining economic and security ties.
in: Carnegie Europe, 21.01.2021 (online)