Warships from Greece, Italy, Cyprus and France, participate in a joint military exercise south of Turkey in the eastern Mediterranean Sea.

The Search for Franco-German Consensus on the Eastern Mediterranean: The Paris/Ankara Row and its Consequences for the EU


French Institute of International Relations (Ifri)

Project Members:

Dorothée Schmid, Senior Research Fellow, Head of Turkey and Middle East Programme, Ifri
Eric André Martin, Secretary General of the Study Committee on Franco-German Relations, Cerfa
Aris Marghélis, Associate Researcher Fellow at the Maritime and Oceanic Law Center (CDMO), University of Nantes
Jana Jabbour, Associate Doctor at CERI, teacher at Sciences Po, Communication and Public Information Officer (UNESCO)

Project Duration: Feb 21 - Dec 21


Dorothée Schmid, email: schmid@ifri.org
Elisa Domingues Dos Santos, email: dominguesdossantos@ifri.org

The definition of French interests seems to be directly at odds with what is perceived as Turkey’s exaggerated adventurism in the region, to the point of triggering military escalation. While French decision-makers argue that they have a more realist appraisal of the situation and aim at preserving European stakes, the lack of common denominator amongst other EU member states only produces more fragmentation. France’s hard response affects Franco-German cooperation en passant, while a more coordinated response could decisively and positively affect the power relationship with Ankara

This research project aimed at identifying the underlying biases shaping France’s foreign policy towards Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean, and the way it may impact the EU’s external positions.


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